Causalities of War

Angel Episode 01:20 War Zone Fanlisting

Welcome to the fanlisting for War Zone the 20th episode in the first season of Angel (the series). If you're a fan of Angel the series and you simply love the episode War Zone sign up the the fanlisting and join other fans to show your love for the show and episode.

Episode Summary

On the case of demon blackmail Angel Investigations track the blackmailer down to a bad part of town where they are confronted with a group of vampire hunters lead by Charles Gunn. Angel, worried about the young vampire hunters tries to help them understand that its not fun and games slaying vampires. However the group can't see past Angel's own demon and refuse his help choosing to go after their mark with devastating consequences for our leader Gunn.

Fanlisting Information

  • Last updated 01 July 2024
  • Member Count 25
  • Pending Members 0
  • Affiliates 5
  • Codes 82