
Adam Carr (Valentine)
Adam Carr is the character in the Movie Valentine; he plays a drunken journalist with a secret past.
- Open since: 2005-02-04
- Members: 20
- Pending: 0
Always and Never

Dwight & Gail (Sin City)
Characters Dwight and Gail, starring in Sin City, the working girl and the one man mission brought back together after time apart.
- Open since: 2005-06-15
- Members: 36
- Pending: 0
Immortal Lust

Angelus and Darla
A fanlisting and fansite for the Buffy and angel couple Angel(us) and Darla, celebrating their love and passion thought the years
- Open since: 2005-06-19
- Members: 106
- Pending: 0

Hal Carver
Hal is a one off character from the episode 'Summer of 47', in which Hal explains to Michael how he saved the four aliens.
- Open since: 2005-03-25
- Members: 12
- Pending: 0

Kitty Mayer (
Kitty is an amazing person so helpful and talented she is a true webmaster and deserves all the praise in the world.
- Open since: 2005-03-24
- Members: 10
- Pending: 0
The Living Fantasy

Martina Martinez (Shriek If You Know What I Did Last Friday the Thirteenth)
Majandra Delfino stars as a witty mysterious high school girl stuck in horror movie spoof 'Shriek if you know what I did last Friday the Thirteenth'.
- Open since: 2005-07-14
- Members: 11
- Pending: 0
Laugher Cures All

Sam (Benny & Joon)
Sam is brought into a struggling home for the night only to bring laughter and magic into their lives.
- Open since: 2005-03-11
- Members: 139
- Pending: 0

There's No Place like Plrtz Glrb 02.22
After Angel finds himself in Fred's Cave after the most horrific moment of his life he realises that he has to get himself and his friends out of the demon dimension.
- Open since: 2005-07-27
- Members: 33
- Pending: 0
Casualities of War

War Zone 01.20
Angel and gang take up a job on the upper side of town for a rich guy only to be led back to downtown and find a band of vampire hunting homeless people just trying to survive.
- Open since: 2005-02-14
- Members: 25
- Pending: 0